All Natural Cleaning Products
Throw Away Expensive and Toxic Cleaners
If you're tired of buying expensive cleaners and are in search of all natural cleaning products, then you'll be surprised at how short the list is of natural products that you need in a basic cleaning cupboard. Advertising tells us that the more we clean and the more cleaning products that we use, the cleaner our house will be.In actual fact by using anti-bacterial sprays and wipes we are killing beneficial bacteria that our immune systems need. This in turn exposes us (and our families) to increased risk of asthma, allergies and skin disorders. Our generation's obsession with cleanliness is costing us a small fortune, an estimated $1000 a year per family, and damaging our health.
Anti-Bacterial Cleaners Surface spray cleaners with antibacterial agents as well as antibacterial cloths which are relatively new products on the market. Chemicals Contained Chlorohexidene, triclosan, phenol, benzalkonium chloride Effects The chemical triclosan on its own is not toxic but mixed with the chlorine in water it create chloroform gas which is poisonous to humans. It is one of the most common chemicals found in our waterways and a recent study in Sweden found triclosan in the breast milk of 60% of the women screened. It is claimed that triclosan is a degradable product (it breaks down naturally in a short time frame) when it in fact can break down into toxic compounds. Sunlight converts triclosan into a mild dioxin which in humans effects oestrogen levels which can in turn cause cancers. Does this sound like a safe chemical to you? Natural Options Clean surfaces with hot tap water (above 70 degrees- which is what tap water usually is) as well as vinegar to disinfect. White vinegar is the most effective natural product to sterilise and control mould in the home and is cheaper than any 'cleaning product' you will find on supermarket shelves! To get rid of stubborn stains add a little sodium bi-carbonate to vinegar to make a paste and give a scrub.
**TIP- If you like a 'fresh' smell when you clean, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your cleaning cloth!
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