Definition of Energy Efficiency
Changing Behaviour and Technologies
We all know that being energy efficient saves both money and the planet, but what is the actual definition of energy efficiency? 
There are various energy efficiency definitions which refer to both-
- human behaviour - reducing the temperature on thermostats, leaving the car at home etc.
- improving technology - installing solar, improving insulation etc.
An overall energy efficiency definition can roughly be equated to- 'using less energy to provide the same or improved level of output' Energy efficiency ideas for homes can vary from the cheap and easy to complicated and expensive systems. The Green Loans scheme, now defunct, was available in Australia, and supplied tax free loans (like an energy efficiency rebate or tax credit) for those wanting to improve the sustainability of their homes. Ways to improve energy efficiency can include: Insulation for Homes - Roof/ceiling insulation- foam, cellulose, mineral fibre, polyester & wool batts
- Attic insulation - spray foam, loose fill / blown in insulation
- Wall Insulation- foiled backed insulation
- Floor Insulation - slab insulation
- Window Insulation- double glazing and alternatives
- Garage Door Insulation - foil insulation
Solar Hot WaterSolar ElectricityWater Saving Measures
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