Fuel Reduction
Prepare Your Home for the Fire Season
To give your house the best chance of surviving a fire there are several fuel reduction strategies that can be undertaken.
These include (but are not limited to):
- Clearing out gutters (this can be done weekly if you live in a heavily treed area)
- Keeping lawns mowed
- reducing fuel within 30m of your home - see more below..
The '10/30 Right'
In order to make it easier for people to protect their homes, the laws in Victoria have been temporarily changed to incorporate the '10/30 right'. - This gives homeowners 'the right' to clear ANY vegetation (including trees) within a 10m distance of their home, without a permit.
- Any vegetation, excluding trees, can be removed up to 30m distance from your property- so long as it is within your property boundaries.
- Regarding boundaries- property owners can remove vegetation either side of a property boundary to a combined width of 4m (essentially 2m either side).
More details on the 10/30 right on the
CFA website
. The 10/30 right applies in the majority of councils across Victoria. The councils (primarily inner city locations) for which it DOES NOT APPLY are:
Banyule, Bayside, Boroondara, Brimbank, Darebin, Glen Eira, Greater Dandenong, Hobsons Bay, Kingston, Knox, Maribyrnong, Maroohdah, Melbourne, Monash, Moonee Valley, Moreland, Port Phillip, Port of Melbourne, Stonnington, Whitehorse, Yarra.
In my local area FREE garden waste drop offs are being offerred to help residents clear their properties of tree prunings, leaf litter and garden clippings. They are on - Sat/Sun 14th & 15th November
- Sat/Sun 12th & 13th December
- at Municipal Site, Graham Rd, Kangaroo Ground
- AND Recycling and Recovery Centre, 290 Yan Yean Rd, Plenty
Fire reduction burns are taking place, along with other intensive fire reduction works throughout shires across Victoria. These include roadsides, bushland reserves, fire breaks, fire tracks and water tanks.
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