Recycling Computers Melbourne
Safe Dispoal of Unwanted Computers
Donating unwanted computers to registered recyclers is a way to know you are safely recycling computers rather than them being used as landfill and potentially leaking dangerous chemicals into the environment.
It is estimated that there are approximately one million computers or parts that are not in use across Australia. The manufacture of computers consumes a high amount of fossil fuels, chemicals and water and many computer parts are non-biodegradable and toxic. Some components contain lead, cadmium or mercury, all that are harmful to the environment if not disposed of correctly, which is why safe computer recycling is so important.
If you have working computers that are unwanted they can be donated to be refurbished, a great way to save on resources and provide a computer to someone who otherwise could not afford a brand new model.
If you are concerned about the safety of your personal data before donating a computer, read the following help sheet...
Byteback is a government initiative, located in Melbourne and surrounding areas only, run by Sustainability Victoria. It aims to encourage business owners to act responsibly
when it comes to disposal of computer equipment. There are currently six locations where you can drop off your unwanted computer parts:
- Camberwell-
Booroondara Waste Transfer Station- 648 Riversdale Rd
- Reservoir-
Darebin Resource Recovery Centre- Kurnai Avenue
- Moonee Valley-
Moonee Valley Waste Transfer Station- 188 Holmes Rd
- North Geelong-
Geelong Resource Recovery Centre and Transfer Station- 100 Duoro St
- Drysdale-
Drysdale Resource Recovery Centre and Landfill- Becks Rd
- Anglesea-
Anglesea Landfill and Transfer Station- Coalmine Rd
- Ballarat-
Officeworks- 116 Creswick Rd
- Dandenong-
Officeworks- 26 Princes Highway
More sites are being added around Melbourne and regional centres during 2008, check the website
for details and opening hours. The Byteback trial is expected to run until the end of 2008 in Victoria, and then to form a part of a nationwide framework for responsible computer recycling.
Byteback locations accept used computers and computer parts like printers, mice and computer monitors for recycling. They break down all parts into components such as plastics, glass, metals, circuit boards etc, to be recycled and used for new products.
They currently have a limit of 10 items per visit and do not charge any fees. Many other computer recyclers expect you to pay for them to dispose of your used computer goods.
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